2017 Workshop: Workshop program, proceedings and materials
The 9th Global Workshop on “Public-Private Dialogue on Enterprise Development for Youth & Inclusion” was held at the Union Tunisienne de l'Industrie, du Commerce et de l'Artisanat (UTICA) in Tunis, Tunisia, from May 9 to May 11, 2017. This Workshop was organized by UTICA in collaboration with and through the financing of the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI). It was implemented with the support of the World Bank Group, specifically the Youth in Development program, the Collaborative Leadership for Development Network, the Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice, and the Social Protection, Labor & Jobs Global Practice.
The workshop took stock of recent developments in PPD knowledge, explored how it is used to foster inclusive development, as well as critical links between competiveness, youth, gender, and migration dimensions. It also helped to build capacity of participants to effectively manage and monitor a PPD process during the PPD life cycle. During the discussions, the participants explored how the government, private sector and civil society organizations can effectively use PPD platforms together to identify the most effective means to support the full participation of young people, women and migrants in the economy and society as whole.
Around 200 participants from 35 PPD initiatives from 26 countries joined the event, including leaders from government and the private sector, PPD coordination units, business forums, investors' councils, competitiveness partnerships, community-based organizations, civil society as well as development partners. The 9th PPD Global Workshop was concluded by the PPD Howards Award Ceremony to honor virtues and qualities critical to successful PPDs. These awards recognized and rewarded exemplary initiatives and gave the PPD Community of Practice the chance to applaud the efforts of their colleagues working on PPD. The winners for three different categories were:
Resilience– Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG): Recognition for reinventing itself many times under difficult circumstances, still standing sustainably after more than 20 years, and now stronger than ever with concrete and tracked results.
Long Standing Achievements– Cameroon Business Forum (CBF): Recognition for the many years of hard work to build the capacity of a PPD to deliver concert and important results over time.
Innovation– Moldova Economic Council to the Prime Minister: Recognition for using PPD in an innovative manner with an interesting new mechanism to combine permanent cross-cutting topics with ad-hoc sectoral ones to tackle specific challenging economic development issues.
Click here to watch a summary video of the 1st day of the event!
Public-Private Dialogue in Support of Enterprise Development (pdf, 62.9kb)
Youssef Chahed, Head of Government of Tunisia
Public-Private Dialogue as an Important Tool for Enterprise Development for Youth (pdf, 62.9kb)
Ouided Bouchamaoui, President of The Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA)
Public-Private Dialogue as a Crucial Component for Good Policy Frameworks (pdf, 218kb)
Jacob Kjeldsen, Director, International Business Development, Confederation of Danish Industry
Public-Private Dialogue as a Cornerstone for Enterprise Development for Youth and Inclusion (pdf, 75.8kb)
Eileen Murray, Country Manager for Tunisia, The World Bank Group
Building a Coalition on Enterprise Development for Youth & Inclusion in Tunisia (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pdf, 70.5kb)
Néjib Chahed, Member of the Economic Commission, UTICA
PPD in Tunisia – What institutional framework? Latest thinking on institutional coordination options for effective PPDs (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 3.77mb)
Olfa Souli Ouertani, Director General, Directorate General of Administrative Reforms and Prospects, Presidency of the Government, Tunisia
Sectorial PPDs in Tunisia: Experiences and Lessons Learned (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 4.15mb)
Jade Salhab, Senior Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group; Ines Fradi, Head, Drag and Pharmacy Unit, Ministry of Health, Tunisia & Sara Masmoudi, Director General, Pharmaceutical Laboratories Teriak, Tunisia and Coordinator of the Pharmaceuticals Private Sector
A National Business Agenda: To Advance Economic Reform in Tunisia (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 893kb)
Majdi Hassen, Executive Director, Institut Arabe des Chefs d’Entreprise (IACE)
Good Practices Enough in PPD (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 5.43mb)
Lili Sisombat, Senior Leadership Specialist, Leadership, Learning and Innovation, The World Bank Group & Anna Kompanek, Director, Multiregional programs, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Iran - PPD for Inclusive Growth (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 1.76mb)
Ali Chagharvand, Business Research Manager, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Public-Private Dialogue Council
Senegal - PPD for Inclusive Growth (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 1.36mb)
Ousmane Sy Ndiaye, Executive Director, Union Nationale des Commercants et Industriels du Senegal (UNACOIS)
Nigeria – PPD Using Youth as Agents of Changes (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 5.55mb)
Oluwatayo David Aduloju, Sr. Fellow, Public Policy And Institutional Development, Nigerian Economic Summit Group
Tunisia – PPD Using Youth as Agents of Changes (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 8.72mb)
Ashley Noia, Country Director for Tunisia, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
Egypt – Industry Focused PPD with a Gender Dimension (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 1.03mb)
Laura Schmid, Advisor, Employment Promotion Project, GIZ
Armenia – Industry Focused PPD with a Gender Dimension (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 520kb)
Gayane Mkrtchyan, Project manager, Armenia Gender Project, The World Bank Group
Inclusion through Markets (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 355kb)
Cecilia Sager, Lead Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group
Inclusion through Services (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 347kb)
Mattias Lundberg, Program Manager, Youth and Jobs, The World Bank Group
Inclusion through Spaces (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 1.72mb)
Pamela Beecroft, Senior Program Officer, North Africa, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Development of Operational Action Plan (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 553kb)
Benjamin Herzberg, Program Lead, Leadership, Learning and Innovation, The World Bank Group
Monitoring and Evaluation in PPD (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 2.41mb)
Benjamin Herzberg, Program Lead, Leadership, Learning and Innovation, The World Bank Group
Des Contrats De Performance Pour Accompagner Le Déploiement D’écosystèmes Automobile (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 419kb)
Latifa Liot, Présidente, Union Professionnelle de l’Industrie Automobile et Mécanique
Armenia Gender Project (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 116kb)
Gayane Mkrtchyan, Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group
Empowering women in AGRI value chains (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 520 KB )
Gayane Mkrtchyan, Project manager, Armenia Gender Project, The World Bank Group
Cameroon Business Forum (CBF) for Investment Climate and Private Sector Development (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 138kb)
Moise Endene Ekedi, Permanent Secretary, Cameroon Business Forum
GIZ Employment Promotion Project: Regional Labour Market Monitoring in Public Private Dialogue in Egypt (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 61.8kb)
Laura Schmid, Advisor, GIZ Egypt
ANPI Gabon, National Agency of Investment Promotions (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 11.6mb)
Pascal Eva Nze, Financial Advisor, ANPI Gabon, National Agency of Investment Promotions
Guinea Business Forum (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 428kb)
Boubacar Diop, Coordinator, Secretariat of a Dialogue Permanent Between the Public and Private Sectors (SDPPS);Ibrahima Kona Balde, Technical Assistant–SDPPS; Haby Tall, Entrepreneur – Private Sector
Iran PPD Council (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 322kb)
Hossein Selahvarzi, Deputy of Public Private Dialogue council, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA)
PPD in Iran (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study Presentation) (pptx, 1.76mb)
Ali Chagharvand, Business Research Manager, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Public-Private Dialogue Council
Participation of SME Associations in PPD (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 249kb)
Oraib Al Rantawi, Director, Al Quds Center for Political Studies, Jordan
Dairy Development Project in Kyrgyz Republic (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 116kb)
Syinat Arynova, Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group
Private Sector Association: PPD in Malawi (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 128kb)
Karl Chokotho, President, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Hope Chavula, Head, Public Private Dialogue, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry & Esther Mwimba, Director of private Sector Development, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
Mauritania Fishing Sector: Investing in Nouadhibou Free Zone's Seafood Cluster (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 114kb)
Housseinou Bal, Managing Director, Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority
The Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 374kb)
Diana Levcenco, Consultant, Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova & Mariana Rufa, Executive Director, European Business Association in Moldova
The National Committee for Business Environment (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 270kb)
Benabdallah Khalid, Project Officer, The National Committee for Business Climate; El Bakirdi Younes, Project Officer, The National Committee for Business Climate & Meddad Yassine, Project Officer, The National Committee for Business Climate
Women’s Economic Participation Federation of Women Entrepreneurs’ Association of Nepal (FWEAN) (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 155kb)
Sharada Rijal Adhikari, First Vice President, FWEAN
Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 216kb)
Oluwatayo David Aduloju, Sr. Fellow, Public Policy And Institutional Development, NESG
Philippines Mindanao Youth for Development (MYDev): Education and Employment Opportunities for Youth (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 137kb)
Laura Dillon-Binkley, International Technical Advisor, Education Development Center (EDC) & Melanie Sany, Youth Team Lead, Education Development Center (EDC)
Education and Employment Opportunities for Youth (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 130kb)
Laura Dillon-Binkley, International Technical Advisor, Education Development Center (EDC) & Melanie Sany, Youth Team Lead, Education Development Center (EDC)
Education and Employment Opportunities for Youth (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 128kb)
Laura Dillon-Binkley, International Technical Advisor, Education Development Center (EDC) & Melanie Sany, Youth Team Lead, Education Development Center (EDC)
PPD in Business and Service Sector (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 210kb)
Ousmane Sy Ndiaye, Executive Director, Union Nationale des Commercants et Industriels du Senegal (UNACOIS)
PPD on Entreprise Development for Youth & Inclusion (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 1.36mb)
Ousmane Sy Ndiaye, Executive Director, Union Nationale des Commercants et Industriels du Senegal (UNACOIS)
Sector Competitiveness Enhancement through PPDs (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 572kb)
Ines Fradi, Head, Drag and Pharmacy Unit, Ministry of Health, Tunisia; Sara Masmoudi, Director General, Pharmaceutical Laboratories Teriak, Tunisia and Coordinator of the Pharmaceuticals Private Sector & Rania Dourai, Senior Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group
Sectorial PPDs in Tunisia: Experiences and Lessons Learned (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 4.15mb)
Jade Salhab, Senior Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank Group; Ines Fradi, Head, Drag and Pharmacy Unit, Ministry of Health, Tunisia & Sara Masmoudi, Director General, Pharmaceutical Laboratories Teriak, Tunisia and Coordinator of the Pharmaceuticals Private Sector
Tunisian Inter-Agency Platform for Value Chain Development (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 146kb)
Wajdi Nefati, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Department in the Agency for Promotion of Industry and Innovation
To Advance Economic Reform in Tunisia (2017 PPD Workshop presentation) (pptx, 893kb)
Majdi Hassen, Executive Director, Institut Arabe des Chefs d’Entreprise (IACE)
Tunisian National Business Agenda (NBA) (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 311kb)
Majdi Hassen, Executive Director, Institut Arabe des Chefs d’Entreprise (IACE)
Youth Leadership & Employability in Tunisia (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 760kb)
Ashley Noia, Country Director for Tunisia, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) & Kaia Benson, Project Director, Leadership Practice, IREX
Tunisia – PPD Using Youth as Agents of Changes (2017 PPD Workshop Case-study presentation) (pptx, 8.72mb)
Ashley Noia, Country Director for Tunisia, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
Turkish Coordination Council YOIKK (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 157kb)
Özlem Üntez, Assistant Foreign Trade Expert, YOIKK
Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA): Youth Employment Programs (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (2017 PPD Workshop paper) (pdf, 2.01mb)
Joseph Kyalimpa, Training Manager, UMA
Click here to watch a summary video of the 1st day of the event
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