Improving the investment climate, building capacity, strengthening advocacy, fostering governance    
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  2008 PPD Workshop
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  2006 PPD Workshop
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NEW! Public-Private Dialogue Online Course

Always wanted an online a "PPD Primer" to learn about PPD or improve your knowledge on the topic? The World Bank Group - Governance Global Practice's Open Private Sector program has developed new online training material which includes four modules: (1) Good Practice in Setting up, Managing and Exiting a PPD; (2) PPD Communication and Outreach; (3) PPD for Competitiveness; and, (4) Basics of Monitoring and Evaluation in PPD.

PPD Training of Trainer Material cover

The modules provide a set of videos which can be used by PPD experts to build capacity among PPD stakeholders on secretariat effectiveness and PPD management, advocacy and communications, monitoring and evaluation and sector specific initiatives. The associated training material can be found on the Manual for Trainers on Public-Private Dialogue for Good Governance. There are 26 videos for the 4 modules. READY? Start your online learning now!

Manual for Trainers on Public-Private Dialogue for Good Governance

The "Manual for Trainers on Public-Private Dialogue for Good Governance" was produced by the World Bank Institute / Governance Global Practice following a series of country engagements involving delivery of a 3-day, field based, and capacity-building workshops on private sector engagement for good governance and PPD, for local stakeholders.

PPD Training of Trainer Material cover

The manual provides a set of training materials which can be used by PPD experts to build capacity among PPD stakeholders on secretariat effectiveness and PPD management, advocacy and communications, monitoring and evaluation and sector specific initiatives. READY? Get Started!

Operational Resources: The key documents for setting up PPD projects

In this page, you will find example of actual PPD founding documents that are used by PPD practitioners all over the world.


Projet de Decret portant mise en place du mécanisme de Dialogue entre l'Etat et le Secteur Privé au Tchad (doc, 59kb)


Réglement Intérieur du Cadre Permanent de Concertation Etat/Secteur Privé en République Centrafricaine (pdf, 2461kb)



TOR for a facilitator of the Vietnam Business Forum (doc, 31kb)

Team Assistant

TOR for a team assistant at the Vietnam Business Forum (doc, 27kb)

Project Manager

TOR for a Project Manager of the Cambodia Government - Private Sector Forum (doc, 63kb)

TOR for Program Manager of the Chad PPD (doc, 76kb)

Secretary General

TOR for a Secretary General of the Cameroon Business Forum (doc, 40kb)

TOR for a Secretary General of the Bangladesh Better Business Forum (doc, 37kb)

TOR for a Secretary General of the Bangladesh Better Business Forum (doc, 124kb)

Independant Consultant

Termes de Références pour un Consultant Indépendant responsable de l'évaluation du Cameroon Business Forum (doc, 40kb)

TOR for a Consultant of the design of the South Sudan PPD (doc, 69kb)


TOR for a Coordinator of the Lao Business Forum (doc, 37kb)

Communication Analyst

TOR for a Communication Analyst of the Sierra Leone Business Forum (doc, 32kb)

Economic Analyst

TOR for an Economic Analyst of the Sierra Leone Business Forum (doc, 33kb)

Executive Director

TOR for an Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Business Forum (doc, 35kb)

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