PPD Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation is an effective tool to manage the public private dialogue process and to demonstrate its purpose and performance. (PPD Charter, Principle VII)
This page will give PPD Secretariats access to the last updated tools and papers whose aim is to help practitioners conduct effective monitoring of PPD performannce.
The Evaluation Wheel
This Excel-based tool helps a PPD secretariat or in dependent evaluator create an evaluation wheel (with a score from 1 to 10) along the 12 key processes that matter to a PPD.
The Reform Process Table
On the same Excel-based tool, you will find the reform process table which measures the impact of the PPD along the reform process in a given country, based on a score from 0 to 3.
The PPD Reform Tracking tool
This database tool based on the software FileMaker Pro 10 helps a PPD secretariat manage, track and report on the issues raised by working groups. Click on the link above for the dedicated page with tutorial, training manual, and a link to the tool.
Monitoring and Evaluation for Business Environment Reform: A Handbook for Practitioners
Prepared by the IFC Advisory Services BEE Business Line in association with GTZ and DFID - July 2008 Draft
This handbook, the result of a multi-donor initiative, offers an overview of different methods for monitoring and evaluatiing business environment reform projects. It is illustrated by eleven case studies and contains 1) an introduction on M&E for BEE, 2) an overview of the different frameworks and indicators used by different donors to measure BEE projects, 3) tips and guidelines for conducting baselines and collecting data, 4) an overview of the different methods of impact assessement, and 5) information about how to integrate M&E into a project life cycle.
The PPD Performance Indicators for donors
Pepared by the World Bank Group Investment Climate Department, June 2009 Draft
This list of PPD Key Performance Indicators can be used used to keep track of the performance of the PPD a donor sponsors. It measures both the impact that a donor program can have on creating and/or improving a PPD process, and also keeps track of the reforms that are proposed and enacted through a PPD mechanism. While created for measuring the effectiveness of IFC PPD projects, this table might be useful for other donors or private sector development practitioners engaged in capacity building activities for PPD initiatives.
Review of World Bank Group Support to PPDs - April 2009 (ppt, 1790kb)
PPD Global Review Presentation (ppt, 1207kb)
Malcolm Toland, IFC Consultant, April 2009
This study aims to measure the results and effectiveness of the current stock of country-level
Public Private Dialogue (PPD) Forums sponsored by the World Bank Group (WBG)
which focus on private sector development and financial sector policy issues. The
assessment looks at the different implementation modes used and their associated risks,
the degree of coordination with other WBG and development partner activities in the
same country, and the level of global and regional support and guidance provided to
these initiatives.
FULL REPORT - PPD Impact Assessment - Vietnam Cambodia Laos
(pdf, 3061kb)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - PPD Impact Assessment - Vietnam Cambodia Laos (pdf, 241kb)
HR. Inc., Cambodia and MCG Management Consulting, Inc., Vietnam, supervised by Benjamin Herzberg & Lili Sisombat; IFC, SME Department and MPDF/PEP China, April 2007
An independent evaluation was commissioned by IFC and AUSAID to assess the impact of the Cambodia's Government-Private Sector Forum m (G-PSF), of the Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) and of the Lao Business For um (LBF). The evaluation shows that significant reforms on trade facilitation, contract enforcement, regulatory transparency, access to land, tourism and tax can be largely attributed to the Business Forums.
The evaluation also reveals that private sector savings from reforms processed through PPD in the Mekong Area amount $ 309.2 Million over the past five years.
Presidential Investors Advisory Councils in AFRICA- Impact Assessment Study (pdf, 578kb)
Natwar Gotecha, World Bank consultant, May 2005
The objective of this study is to evaluate and report on the impact of the work of the three pilot Presidential Investors
Advisory Councils in Ghana, Senegal and Tanzania, and the initial outcomes of the two new councils in Mali and Uganda. Th e study was conducted by a consultant through
field interviews with council stakeholders. It assesses the council experiences to date, identifies lessons learned, relates them to other public-private mechanisms, and provides
guidance on the future of the councils.