What is this website about?
PublicPrivateDialogue.org is intended to serve as a comprehensive one-stop shop of knowledge and advice for stakeholders who are interested in building or maintaining public-private dialogue (PPD) to improve the business climate.
Please let us know if you know of a case study, research paper, website or other resource that should be linked to from this site.
Who is this website for?
This website is for any stakeholder who is interested in initiating or consolidating dialogue to improve the conditions for investment and enterprise. This includes representatives of the public and private sectors, civil society and donor agencies.
If you are an existing or would-be PPD practitioner, our intention is that you will be able to find here the best and most current knowledge, experience and practical advice you need to anticipate and overcome the challenges you face.
Who is behind this website?
This website is an output of the 1st International Workshop on Public Private Dialogue (February 2006, the World Bank Paris Conference Centre), organized by a cross-sectoral team from the World Bank Group, DFID and the OECD Development Centre. Since then, annual workshops have brought together PPD practitioners in major capitals around the world.
Over the years, these PPD workshops have brought together diverse stakeholders from the public, private and donor communities around the world. The aim is to share and discuss experiences, identify good practice, and build a foundation of knowledge to support ongoing or new dialogue initiatives.
This website is an extension of the workshops' aim. Inspired by, but not limited to, the shared products of the workshops, it is enabling the sharing of experiences and lessons learned from around the world about what makes PPD successful.
This website was created with support from DFID, the World Bank Group and the OECD Development Centre. It was designed by Andrew Wright and managed by Benjamin Herzberg of the World Bank, and has since then been updated by members of the PPD knowledge consortium, as the website migrated outside the governance and purview of any of the founding organizations. The community of practice and this site is currently managed by James Brew of Stakeholder and Field, a development and PPD advisory knowledge provider.