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The PPD Handbook > Annexes

Annexes of the PPD Handbook

The Annexes contain samples of materials relevant to establishing and maintaining PPD that practitioners can take and adapt to local contexts. Each annex is numbered in sequences corresponding to the Handbook’s main sections. Section A does not refer to any annex.


ANNEX B1: Template for completing diagnostic report and checklists
ANNEX B2: Template questionnaire for interviews with private sector representatives
ANNEX B3: Template questionnaire for interviews with BMO representatives
ANNEX B4: Template questionnaire for interviews with public sector representatives
ANNEX B5: Template questionnaire for interviews with civil society representatives


ANNEX C1: Outreach to entrepreneurs: Sample “business roadblock” submission form
ANNEX C2: Sample letter to businesses and business associations
ANNEX C3: Legal mandate – Case of Serbia
ANNEX C4: Formal mandate – Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ANNEX C5: Sample PPD participants, roles and responsibilities
ANNEX C6: Sample ToRs for setting up a secretariat to promote and manage PPD


ANNEX D1: Sample structure for terms of reference for a PPD evaluation
ANNEX D2: Most Significant Change interviews – Interview format
ANNEX D3: Most Significant Change interviews – Interview template
ANNEX D4: Instructions for drawing the evaluation wheel
ANNEX D5: Evaluation wheel – questionnaire to stakeholders
ANNEX D6: Evaluation wheel – template


ANNEX E1: Self - Evaluation Tool

ANNEX E2: PPD Database Tool

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